My Goals

Step 1- Desire

I want to improve my strength.

Step 2- Belief

I know I can improve my strength by lifing weights in my spare time.

Step 3- Analyze Where You Are Now (Fitness Testing)

The max I can lift is 100 pounds.

Step 4- Set Realistic Goals

My goal is to able to lift 110 pounds in 1 month.

Step 5- Write Your Goals in Detail

- Make myself a workout chart for everyday for this whole month
- Go on a no sweets diet.
- Lift weights every other day up to 1 hour

Step 6- List Benefits You Will Recieve

- Get stronger
- My tennis game will be a lot better
- Tone arm muscles
- Feel Better

Step 7- Identify Obstacles

List all the things that will try to get in my way of reaching my goals.

Step 8- Identifying Knowledge You Will Need


Step 9- Make a Plan Of Action

Write down everything I do on how I am going to workout to reach my goal

Step 10- Develop a Timeline

List the time I will need each and eveyday, in order to reach my goal

Step 11- Monitor Your Progress

Look at my body everyday and look if I see results and watch what I am eating everyday.

Step 12- Never Give Up

Never think negative. Nobody can tell me if I can or cannot do anything in life. I will always work hard until I reach my full potential.